Herzlich Willkommen!
Wir danken allen, die am "Dreaming"-Projekt teilgenommen haben für Ihre Beiträge!
Eine Auswahl von Beiträgen findest du hier schon einmal auf dieser Seite und demnächst im Kunstforum!
We start with a poem from
Amahle Zuma & Nosipho Ngema, both grade 11, Bhekabantu Secondary School
Amahle Zuma, 15 years old & Nosipho Ngema, 15 years old
Poem from Amahle Zuma & Nosipho Ngema
Beiträge von Schüler/innen der Bhekabantu Secondary School, South Africa
Beiträge von Schüler/innen des Domgymnasiums Verden, Germany
Und wie kam es zum "Dreaming"-Projekt?
Im Oktober 2022 besuchte der Kammerchor des Domgymnasiums im Rahmen der Südafrikareise auch zwei Tage die Partnerschule im Kwazulu-Natal.
Im Rahmen eines Roundtables, an dem Schulleitung, Lehrer/innen und Schüler/innen beider Schulen teilnahmen, wurde überlegt, wie die weitere Schulpartnerschaft gestaltet werden könnte.
Roundtable im Oktober 2023, Bhekabantu Secondary School, South Africa
U.a. entstand die Idee, dass ein Projekt mit dem Arbeitstitel "Dreaming" in beiden Schulen durchgeführt werden könnte und die Ergebnisse ausgetauscht werden könnten.
Im Frühjahr 2023 wurde eine Projektausschreibung mit Hilfe von Thobani Ntshangase, Lutz Hölscher, Wiebke Müller und Vanessa Galli formuliert und an beiden Schulen veröffentlicht. Das Projektplakat wurde von Marie Müller, Jg. 24 gestaltet. Bis Mai bzw. Juni 2023 wurden die Beiträge abgegeben und sollten anschließend in der Schulgemeinschaft beider Schulen präsentiert werden.
Eine öffentliche Präsentation der Beiträge am Domgymnasium musste aus organisatorischen Gründen auf die Zeit nach den Sommerferien verschoben werden.
NEU: Verlängert bis 1. Juni 2023!
Herzlich Willkommen!
Hier findest du weitere Informationen zum "Dreaming"-Projekt:
About Dreaming!
“Dreaming” is the subject name of the project which is one of the resolutions that Bhekabantu Secondary School located in South Africa and Domgymnasium Verden School located in Germany, both agreed on during their meeting held on the 17th October 2022 at Bhekabantu Secondary while Domgymnasium was on their special visit to its partner schools in South Africa to stabilize their relationship that had been established long before.
As both schools wish to further develop their partnership it is now time to intensity connections between students. Thus, this project mainly belongs to the learners of the two institutions. Its aim is not only to start their communication but also to lead them into effective interaction amongst each other - across language and cultural barriers. However, there is also a lesson to be learned when some other learners might discover their God given talents, passion, interest and future direction which is one of the best reasons for teaching and learning.
As one of the good results of this project, we have our students being exposed to the Forth Industrial Revolution, particularly our Bhekabantu students who are mainly coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. Additionally students get inspired of becoming global citizens.
When does the project start?
The project will start on the 1st of March 2023 and the deadline is the 1st of May 2023. Mr Thobani Ntshangase will be representing the Star School programme. Sighting of the products, exchange and feedback will be done in May/June 2023. Presentation in Germany is at the school festival on the 15th of June 2023 (South African Delegation is invited).
What will the project be like?
The process of the project will be a visualized interaction for effective communication throughout the project, while exchanging videos and images could also play a significant role and could help to achieve the fundamental goals of the initiated project.
Categories of the project:
- Art work & Design
- Drama
- Poem & Song
Engaging on Dreaming
Art work & Design:
It is expected to come up with a product. This could for example be:
- Students develop a beautiful ceremonial attire preferably for the bride using any kind of recyclable material. The attire must be designed down as a kind of drawing on a clean sheet using visible colors. Make a video where now the bride (student) is wearing the attire moving around, all features of the clothing must be visible.
- Recycling and thus creating new things
- Drawing, works of arts expressing forms of “Dreaming”
Purpose: to cultivate the passion for designing clothes and art work in our students.
It is possible to work in a team. It is expected that the team come up with their own drama lasting up to maximum 10 minutes, with the title relating to the topic of the project “Dreaming”.
Script and performance (video) viewed by a committee.
Purpose: to instill a feeling of dreaming and imagination about the future because dreams form a basis of each and every passion to be found.
Poem & Song:
Each poet suggests an own, relevant title. Poems can for example express depth and sad feeling towards the increasing use of drugs in the world, that children are vulnerable so we need to fight and protect their big dreams.
Creativity and performance is the key in terms of presenting the poem and the song.
The script of the poem is needed just few minutes prior to the actual performance or session.
There is a maximum of 5 minutes per performance.
Script and performance (video and/ or audio recording) are viewed by a committee.
Purpose: to instill a feeling of dreaming and imagination about the future because dreams form a basis of each and every passion to be found.
Please send your product via email: